You’re damn right it has.
I don’t want to know who owned when. Neither do I care. That was then this is now.
Let’s call them X people. Two million plus. Shoved into concentration camps with few amenities. Children there have no clue what lies beyond the camps. They are ‘arrested’ tortured. Some disappear. Other picked off by snipers. Two generations have survived zionist humiliations. Every effort is made to degrade and humiliate them. A fat xionist arrives from New York. Accompanied by a band of thugs, he marches into a Palestinian home and shouts, get out! Out! This house is mine now. Leave.
Terrified unarmed families flee, leaving beans simmering on the stove.
Watch videos on X or utube.
Well, ethnic cleansing is nearly done. Jews can rejoice n celebrate on the blood of mangled babies.
So yes, Zionists steal. Steal and steal and steal.