You’re an exception to the rule then, Todd. Perhaps you’ve lived long enough like me and see the value of ‘love for all peoples.’ I’ve lived in the USA for decades now. I mistook white condescension for friendship, our conversations danced around cultures and inclusiveness and all things global. Ah we were all so very enlightened. I occupied a place of honor at the dinner table of my white buddies as a beautiful, brown ‘civilized’ Muslim woman. Then they all voted for TRUMP. A man who hates everything I am. From a fascist party which has now exonerated him of high treason. Gangs of white supremacists roamed the hallowed halls of the Capitol crying for blood. There are 74 million Americans like them. Maybe not all. Filled with hate and bloodlust. So it’s too late to spread the salve of love and peace. As I said, you may be an exception. Democracy you say. It’s Fascism now.
Be well. 🙏🏽