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You Mocked Me, Ladies and Gents, You Mocked Me..

Farida Haque
3 min readOct 3, 2022


~ my American breakfast ~

photo by author

My Facebook frenemies, I shall have the last laugh, ye of little faith. Ummm. Ok.

Rather than share my joy, you heckled, mocked, and indicated disgust when I posted above photo of my American breakfast. I admit, here we have a rather limited menu of breakfast choices. It can get boring!

Listen up ladies. And guys if any are listening, which they rarely do — Punjabis know that the palate, being one of the greatest mysteries of our known universe, is an exacting task master. It craves complements of tastes and flavors.

Therefore, we eat puri bhaji with sweet halwa and a bit of mango pickle on the side. Ingenious. Sweet, savory and tart in one fell swoop. There you have it! An appeased palate.

The uninitiated often marvel at the slow soporific spell which blissfully envelopes one soon after said breakfast.

Now Lunch or Dinner.

Mutton biryani coupled with Zarda, rice steamed in light syrup of saffron, cardamom and orange peel, like a blast of golden pollen, brings on a certain euphoria, especially if one were to top it with a dollop of paalak gosht. That’s mutton simmered with spinach and sundry spices which drew Portuguese plunderers to eastward shores. It was the tiny but might clove…



Farida Haque
Farida Haque

Written by Farida Haque

Multimedia artist, writer, poet. “I could not have painted myself happy without painting myself sad first…”

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