Why are Medium writers, who in my opinion are the most enlightened of all Americans, ahem, all of us, not running our country?
Or would George Orwell be proven right yet again?
On a serious note, the myth of democracy lies shattered to bits all over the world.
American Crapitalsm continues to fracture societies.
Why was America, a fledgling nation of jetsam and flotsam of Europe, allowed to set the tone of governance globally?
We, the colored nations, colonized for centuries and conditioned to white rule, never did set ourselves ‘free.’
I’ll be slapped around for saying that I know. But I’ve thought deeply about the slave mentality psychosis of colonized countries which holds us in thrall.
In the Indian subcontinent, Brits groomed an underclass of untermensch brown sahibs who steered a crazed course of a poorly crafted ship. In Pakistan at least. India never quite realized that a centuries old caste system, which might’ve made eminent sense at the very outset of its inception, would stand in the way of freedom for all.
Largest population of Muslims? In India. They are hated by Modi’s Hindu zealots and not only persecuted but brutalized.
In Pakistan we have a shadow sibling of a caste system.
Add to that power of feudalism, military might and a very corrupt descendant of the Indian Civil Services, today we have a failed state.
70 years of ‘freedom’ from British rule? Not freedom at all. And of course religious extremism makes for an explosive mix.
So I have been dealt a double whammy.
Straddling East and west is like the ancient Chinese water torture for me!