What intellectuals?
The only writing worth reading is right here on Medium. Mainstream media totally seduced by distractions and frivolous, moronic ‘analysis’ of every kind of mundane idiocies of trump admin or rather the pathetic lack of it. Discussion panels. I mean, who ARE those powdered and false-eyelashed women who witter on at breakneck speed and say Absolutely nothing? And the tanned inane men with dazzling implants, on networks? Why do they refuse to accept reality? talk about massacre of Palestinians, Saudi genocide in Yemen, persecution of Uighurs?
Yes, babies are being traumatized. As are their relatives. Concentration camps they are, sirs and Mesdames. Accept it. Show outrage. Write. Act. Stop atrocities. Tapper and co oblivious and rolling in $$$ go on and on ad nauseum pussyfooting at best around humankind’s dire straits why? because they know that we just want noise in the background. We hate to engage.
We are the sheep who feed them.