We’re on the same page here Regina. How long will it take for us to be able to analyze what’s happening and why. A decade? Our education system in no way fosters a desire to understand that there’s a whole world out there. And why should we even care? We have our quick fixes which rapacious capitalism has handed us. Why are kids not taught world history? Or American history from the Neolithic period and beyond? Too mNy building blocks are missing … how can we understand social and politicAl systems when we are not made aware of them at home or in schools??? Where I come from originally, toilet paper is a luxury and deemed a waste of money. Poor people don’t even know what it is! A foolish example but enough to show me how spoilt we are. The softest, most pricey paper goes down the toilet. Till we begin to question free markets’ vices, kindness will have to do. You think I can wave a banner of enlightenment and strut my upscale suburban neighborhood ( mostly Trumpian territory ) condemning the powers that be?? I’d be lynched!