Ummm.., I don’t see how your comment pertains to the floods…
America’s darling, Pakistan Army was allegedly sheltering Osama.
Rather than cut aid to Pakistan, USA should’ve airlifted Dr. Afridi and ensured his safely. Are we that naive, I actually want to say stupid, that we thought Pakistanis would let Afridi live in peace after collaborating with USA?!
Contrary to our foolish belief that we win popularity contests around the world, USA is regarded with animosity and contempt. Proxy wars have establish us as villains. Drone attacks radicalized orphans. We have brought it upon ourselves. Remember Taliban? We trained them as freedom fighters to pit against Russia.
Suffice it say that it made no sense to halt aid to Pakistan because due to our own callousness, Afridi was jailed! It just doesn’t compute.
USA let Dr. Afridi down to the point where all his family was hounded and lived in fear. It was unconscionable to throw Afridi to the hounds and wash our hands of the whole thing.
While champagne bottles were being tossed around in the Pentagon, all hell had broken loose for the hapless doctor and his family.