Umm. . I considered circumventing your comment here. But what can I say, the flesh is weak. So I shall grace it without elegant and polished prose which some erudite commenters have lavished on us.
You’re Jewish. I’m a Muslim. It’s tiresome really to bang on about religion. I accept you. You accept me I hope. I’m very educated, contrary to anti Muslim tropes. Ahem, University of Chicago and all, the root of all Friedman nonsensical pomposity called economics. Otherwise known as Crapitalism.
You take my home. Call me a human animal. Shove me in one of many concentration camps. Deprive me of the privilege of clean water, basic amenities due to a deliberate policy of ‘starve em out ‘ I refer to years of blockades and humiliated at every step, I will not curl up and whine and sob my life away a word I borrow from your lexicon of mediocrity, I ain’t gonna go quietly. I’ll battle to the death for a roof over my head, and food in my belly. I’ll take up every weapon I can get my hands on, from rocks to rocket launchers. Mighty 🇺🇸
Now buddy boy, anyone who resorts to hackneyed sillinesses like ‘to the victor the spoils,’ and hate filled phrases like no quarter to Palestinians, and rudeness like, smartass, bellyaching etc simply does not take discourse seriously.
You yourself say, no one has a divine right to land. Isn’t that what Zionists invoke, a divine right?
Admit it, you want every Palestinian vaporized. Otherwise known as genocide.