Then You’re Free

Farida Haque
3 min readDec 4, 2023

~ what binds you sets you free ~

Photo by author

I am chained to the wind.

I am bound to a tree

and I hear sap buzzing

up and down, up and down.

It warms me,

especially when it snows.

Who was it, I wonder

who fettered my ankles?

How foolish, I thought,

to never ask.

But when you’re happy,

foolishness can be forgiven.

I am chained to a rock.

While songbirds spin a web

of bright strains around me,

reeds whistle and

cataracts of butterflies

go about their fragile business.

Laughter of children

carries me about

and my rock

becomes a cloud.

It is love that chains me to a rock.

I said to it, keep me grounded.

And the rock loved me back.

Some days,

I am not happy.

The wind sweeps me



Farida Haque

Multimedia artist, writer, poet. “I could not have painted myself happy without painting myself sad first…”