The Qasida of the Warrior

Farida Haque
3 min readApr 18, 2024

“ ~The qaṣīdaᵗ (also spelled qaṣīda; in Arabic: قصيدة,) is a form of lyric poetry that originated in preIslamic Arabia.”Wikipedia — An oration or eulogy in praise of some person or achievement ~

‘Desert Citadel’ acrylic on canvas by author

We asked,

“you live by an ocean of plenitude

— those valleys over there —

but ride only swells of desert mirage.

From dry balconies you descend

not a song,

but a steel battle cry

between your teeth.

Pieces of thunder from

the frontier of the deep

Northwest and its horsemen

ring in your eyes,

at your feet

glow burnt poppy fields.

We do not know you.

Are you a friend?”

A minor god steered him,

in passing,

towards our tour bus,

through cindered groves

of oranges and lemons,

steered him away



Farida Haque

Multimedia artist, writer, poet. “I could not have painted myself happy without painting myself sad first…”