Member-only story
The Gods Laughed Gently, Gently
~of love, time and longings~
In the time of pensive landscapes
When trees had shed
Bitter almonds
And longings,
Simple longings
— for sleeping in the snow,
Weeping in the rain —
Feathered my
Corner with soft light
And feet ached no more
And the heart tasted
Blood raised by
Mountains of the mind,
My dreams and I talked.
We spoke in godlike voices
As if the world
Existed for us,
And not we because of it.
When we talked of
Skylarks and sunbursts,
Fishes leapt in the oceans
Like hurtling daggers
Let loose by a forge of liquid steel…
When we spoke of love,
Dead roots of trees
And volcanoes
Stirred and shivered,
Turned rocks to crimson fire…
When we quarreled