Thank you for your comment.
The west regards anyone different as inferior. Not every nation follows the model of so-called democracy.
Is it so hard to accept that our wonderful planet is home to multifaceted cultures? To be different is not to be the ‘other.’
Yes, Iran is repressive towards dissent. Saudi Arabia may be worse. Pakistan, still a favored colony of usa is rife with disappearances and brutality.
We in the west demonize Iran and object vehemently to its stringent laws.
Do usa govts ever consider pressurizing Pakistan to do away with the most egregious law of them all— Blasphemy Law? It’s so wide spectrum that it is weaponized against religious minorities. Or anyone for that matter. Christian children have been jailed and murdered without evidence of any objectionable words spoken or written. If a neighbor wants my house, he can point a finger at me, invoke blasphemy and I’ll be promptly carted off to jail to rot and be raped. Yet the west hunts ghosts of Taliban, bombs the crap out of villages but is ignorant of a major infraction of democracy!
Being selective in criticism comes naturally to us. And we swallow propaganda as the path of least resistance.
Iran is an ancient culture, just as Iraq was the cradle of civilization. It now lies in ruins, courtesy Nucular Bush and usa military machine. Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan are pure chaos as is Libya. Iran is the next target. See the pattern here? Coincidence or Machiavellian strategy? I’d go with the latter.
More power to Iran, I say.
Someone has to take a stand in the region against Israel’s juggernaut of murder and unbelievable savagery.
We are brainwashed to hate mullahs, Islam, anything that stirs in the East. Yet we lionize Zionists with their bloodlust and philosophy of genocide and white supremacy.
Why do we want to homogenize societies using the usa model of Walmarts and strip malls, Crapitalism and dictats of Biden’s and Reagans?