Over the years, umair, you have sounded alarm bells and each one foreshadowed events that came to pass. Uncanny. Prescient. Courageous.
You got a LOT of flack, and no doubt you’ll continue to get it, but your stand has been steadfast.
I wanted to highlight the essay in its entirety. Your logic is impeccable as is the research. Much of your writing on economic collapse, fascism, planet in its death throes frightened me - you get my drift - for some reason this essay terrifies me the most. I can see it coming around the corner, and most of us behave like ostriches and blind ourselves out of fear.
I believe nothing can be done to stem the terrifying tide of fascism in usa and Britain in particular and the world at large. The cycle will take its predetermined course and we will pay as scapegoats have done through history.
Indian subcontinent was systematically raped and pillaged, people enslaved and dehumanized, check out archives for shameful white behavior. A pic is worth a thousand words.
I see some poetic justice in Britain being reduced to a failed state in so short a time. When masters become enslaved, as Brits are now enslaved by the elites and are brainwashed with jingoism, blinded by a strange nationalism, there’s some small measure of compassion for hapless sheeple. That’s the thing with brown people - we retain our humanity.
I wish the general population of Britain well in the face of sure-shot suffering which they foolishly brought upon themselves — Brexit.