Oh absolutely.
Let me take it another horrendous step further…
American Indians. Genocide.
Decimated them with small pox. Deliberately handing out deadly blankets..
Western diseases wreaked havoc.
Pushed into ghetto ‘reservations’ where alcoholism is rampant and despair eats the soul. And NO ONE raises a white voice. I’m ashamed to call myself American. It’s just a fact of life, taken in one’s stride. White Americans go to reservations as ‘tourists!’
Indigenous peoples totally marginalized.
And course then there’s the holocaust of slavery.
It hasn’t ended, incidentally. You have to be the ‘other’ to truly see it in its ugly form.
White police routinely murder young and old, African Americans. All they have to do is go for a walk at night. Ah it’s too much to stomach. The American dream/ nightmare.