Monstrous glass towers of the Middle East terrify me. While outside temperature hovers at 115*inside those skyscrapers its 60*!!! Hotels have down comforters to keep guests warm even as imported workers (read bonded laborers) toil under a midday sun wearing yellow metal hats and raise edifices to crapitalism and sheer self-indulgence. Makes me puke. Carbon footprint?? Unimaginable. We here in usa? No better. Every living space has to be unbearably heated or cooled. Entire McMansions with thermostats at a frigid 65* for single inhabitants in the summer and 75* in winter! Sprinklers in lawns during dry spells. If there’s two things about usa which I marvel at, it’s this obsession with boring lawns and copious amounts of toilet paper hoarded during perceived emergencies.