January 6th was an attempted violent coup in which people died. We used to sneer at ‘banana republics.’ What are we now?
In my opinion, given our moral hubris and sense of ersatz righteousness, it’s eerie and nauseating that America still thinks it was a flash in the pan (no pun intended!) an armed, crazed mob of haters did the unthinkable. GOP is unruffled and Dems as usual shuffling feet, feeble-voiced but for a few. Older cadre isn’t making way for the brave young ones. They’re nearly as shallow and power-crazed as beastly gop trash like Mitch, creepy Cruz the shameless etc. And America has gone back to its somnambulist state. Unbelievable. The most powerful country in the world gives not a whit for the unfolding Texan disaster. We Americans still think we are invulnerable. Appalling.
Good article, Tom.