Ivy Leagues are over-rated institutions which breed entitled clones to run machines of capitalism.
My child hated University of Pennsylvania, UPenn. Born and raised in america, She felt like the ‘other,’ housing was grim and vermin infested, profs inaccessible. Four years of misery. I regret she couldn’t bring herself to tell us she was miserable. Parental expectations. A crime against offspring. She graduated with distinction. She went in passionate about neuroscience and came out traumatized. It’s taken her a couple of years to work through her experience at Penn. she abandoned neuro, aced premeds etc but decided against medicine. Today she’s a happy camper at an excellent British institution.
And more to the point, she made only two friends she’s in touch with. Interestingly enough, theyre brown Americans. What bonded them was the quiet hostility so prevalent in elite institutions against kids like herself.