It’ll make you happy to know he got a puppy and writes about him frequently. You were right— everyone around the doggy smiles a lot!
Every writer has their own genre/niche. He chose being a clarion call. Look around you. Don’t you think we need to be reminded every day to rouse ourselves from consumerism addictions and understand that our profligate lifestyles are catastrophic?
Fascism has gone global. Economy on a slippery slope.
As for numbers, we are all allowed to reach as wide an audience as possible. No one can doubt his sincerity. At all. He’s passionate and can get alarmist, nothing wrong with that. The times are such.
Solutions — hmmm. Gurus try every day. And fall flat on their faces. Commonsensical solutions spring readily to minds of anyone with average brain capacity.
There’s a reason why his huge following loves him. He’s fearless. Anyone who has been verbally abused on streets of DC for being brown and of a religion that the west reviles, though he’s not at all of that bend of mind, been actively discriminated against by mainstream media and plenty more, deserves a lot of credit and respect. It’s easy to break if you’re not white. That’s the brutal truth. I should know. In my decades of intermittent living in USA, I’ve been called a brown clown, a terrorist, told to go home, threatened with physical violence and plenty more. What is now called Karen behavior? I’m very familiar with that, having been elbowed out of grocery store lines, shoved and glowered at. I’m the gentlest of persons. I’m no longer intimidated. I hate being patronized by my so-called friends here and I no longer endure their presence.
I’m venting a bit here! Lol.
Ok. Enough.
Be well.