IMHO, even if an abomination like Trump never happened, White America would still not have cared. Because white america WANTS no color. And I include nearly all my white ‘friends’ who think of themselves as enlightened, compassionate, color blind. And talk down to me condescendingly. Read a poem or two. Buy a modestly priced painting at my show- never the high end ones. they’re my patrons, you see. Token gestures.
It’s a mistake we people of color make. EXPECTATIONS. why on this beleaguered earth would a race which subjugated people of color around the globe, think about it, WANT to be on the same footing as humans who were inherently inferior? We forget that Chinese, African, brown people were brought to America as toilers. Menials. Slaves. Desperately hungry Irish though white, were still treated like slaves. Now I know many of your readers will pounce on me. Please do.
In america, I will Always be Brown, Muslim, a Daughter of a lesser god. The mighty dollar, of which I have plenty, does not erase that. In that respect capitalism has also failed mightily. It’s not the great equalizer.