I love your reply.
Thank you for a stream of consciousness sorta write-up.
You packed a lot in it.
I have a knot in my stomach all the time. New heights of stress.
I’ve stopped banging on about politics, seems pointless in the face climate change issues.
I’m a sucker for battling for the underprivileged, marginalized.
I’m from Pakistan. We have a kind of a caste system too. As in Muslims. I was the rebel who broke with tradition (‘Brahmin’) direct descendant of the Prophet mumbo jumbo and married out of a 1400 year tradition. lol. Well, an honor killing was in order. I was actually threatened by the clan etc. got married on the phone escaped to UK where he was a student at LSE!!!
I for one cannot wrap my head around what’s happening with climate change and apathy of governments and denial by many.
For my grandkids, novel challenges. I lived in a simpler world. I fear for them.
Compared to Pakistan, india IS a democracy. I know all about the caste system. It pretty much still defines decisions people make.
Children are kidnapped and sold to traffickers. More so now, after devastation by floods. Girl for Rs. 45 and boy for 35. I saw an interview of a woman caught by police. Shudder. So yeah, I agree with you.
Oh, and I’m the mother Haque.