I hear where you’re coming from, Tony. Hmmm… I don’t Live in England. But I love it. Always have, notwithstanding our troubled history of being robbed and colonized ( subcontinent) by Britannia. As a poor student, unhappy as I was to live in digs and eat moldy bread, I felt amply compensated by the V&A etc. a sense of history is a very satisfying thing. No city in the world like London!
Brexit scares me because I fear England is becoming an American colony. Public goods are deteriorating and right now the upheaval of leaving the EU is causing hardship for many people. And I know monarchy reigns supreme. But it rarely takes on the burden of polity and nitty gritty of running a country, I believe. It’s left in the hands of the government.
Trump wants to be Godemperor of USA! Appallingly 74 million Americans want that.