I am watching proceedings of the electoral college count.
Senators are waxing eloquent and indignant and shocked at what unfolded on Capitol Hill today. What I am appalled at is their rhetoric. ‘They,’ the people who mobbed the hill are Americans. Misguided and over-wrought, but Americans. Thousands of them. It’s WE and THEM now? That’s how these senators are talking. No recognition of the reality of what impelled thousands to heed a demagogue’s directive. THEY are desperate financially challenged Americans hanging by a thread in many cases, to survival. Our lovely senators are sleek, smug, and pompous rich Americans. They share much with Donald Trump. Their bravado, social standing, education, wealth, privilege. Do I see even a shred of humility or empathy in them for the thousands who spent hours in the cold just wanting to be SEEN? No sir, I do not. They have NO clue how hard the lives of real Americans are. I will not apologize for seeing what most rich white Americans cannot. Or will not. I deliberately did not preface my rant with, ‘what happened on Capitol Hill was shocking!’ Goes without saying. But no surprise.