I am as ancient as the hills and I still don’t know What a ‘good economist’ might be.
As far as I know, an astute homemaker is a good economist. She/he knows what a budget is. How to plan for an emergency. To keep a slush fund. Allocate resources. Resort to austerity if the need arises. She/he knows how to focus on long term goals. Priorities expenses. Curtail domestic spending. Knows how important development of human capital is. EDUCATION.
I think I’ve made my point. Simplistic and mockable you say? Ask the reasonably educated average American, heck ask any third world mother and she’ll have better solutions to international economic issues that all you economists combined.
Economics as a ‘profound’ Ivy League subject to be taught at staggering costs to number crunchers is a racket. Give me an Isaac Newton. Galileo. Alan Turing. De Grass Tyson. Karl Marx. Giants of science.
Ill even accept theologians because they don’t pretend religion is science. What on earth are social sciences???
Please keep your Friedmans and john Stuart Mills. Though i must bow to JSM and Adam Smith’s minds.
Tools and constructs honed by capitalism to exploit masses? Economics is one of the lethal ones.
Both my husband and son are regarded as ‘good economists.’ Much as the might demur, deep down they both know I’m the better economist!