Hi Shringi!
Stuff was happening in my life so I took a step back from the act of creating, writing and painting. Hence the silence for which I must apologise. Why do I carry an undefinable guilt for losing touch with you and a few other creators who enriched my hours?
Cant put my finger on it…
Today serendipitously I saw this fascinating account of another facet of your creativity. How marvelous!
You went full circle, from inception to emergence on a higher plane and connected with the heavens. That’s how I see it.
I revere all belief systems as you know. What happened with your cloth painting and how it developed was meant to be, it brought you back to yourself with a new clarity. A mystical journey. A new cohesiveness perhaps.
As an artist I believe a painting breathes life into itself. Marvelous.
Hugs! 🤗✨❣️