Hi Antoun!
I will ponder your point on ‘compassionate vote.’
Yes, we do feel a surge of emotion when we see the elderly and instinctively become kind.
Donald Trump is not a doddering old man on the street. He’s a billionaire with mega trappings of privilege. And entitlement to shoot off his mouth. If I met him on the street, I’d feel compassion for America! Not him.
On a more serious note, the simple fact of his resounding victory is the following.
It’s been said many times — he speaks the grass roots vernacular, panders to basest characteristics of gullible Americans of which there are many as we have seen. Who have been denied a decent standard of living.
Shall I call it stupidity when one fervently believes a billionaire can empathize with struggling Americans who have missing teeth for lack of healthcare and live paycheck to paycheck? Or desperation? Both I think, stupidity and desperation believing a snake oil mendicant when he promises ridiculously impossible remedies. . Like the barber in Tim Burtons Sweeney Todd!!
Growing homelessness inflation lack of housing etc.
Trumpian Americans sincerely believe in hate of the other, heck, we stole their jobs. I feel compassion for them.
Heaven forbid taxpayers actually hold governments accountable for using our tax $$s to fund a Genocide. And proxy wars. Ain’t rocket science folks. Spend that money for public good at home. Duh.