Hey Kathi! Sorry for a late response, medium I’d put on the back burner for a bit!
I ran it past management (lol) and they fixed it I think.
Since Medium, for whatever vague reason, won’t allow us to publish or edit from IOS devices, my publishing came to a screeching halt. Hence the silence. I’m looking for a laptop which is not cheap. I’ll up and running in a few days.
4th of July? I spent at home my heart mourning for loss of innocence — our country has taken a dark turn which I never thought was possible. Freedoms being eroded, fascism spreading roots, pathetic attempts at gun laws, shocking numbers of school killings and no viable Democrat candidate in sight.
What could😔 I celebrate?
Be safe. I thank you deeply from the bottom of my heart for being supportive and generous with words. Much appreciated. 🤗