Forgiveness is central to all belief systems, polytheistic or monotheistic.
Often we believe what we are fed. It’s easy to spread falsehoods, you know that. Propaganda is the ticket!
Speaking for myself, today I know the difference — Judaism is not Zionism. Every holy book has stuff tailored to that particular day and age.
For example, blood money for murder made eminent sense back in the day. You’ll be surprised to know it’s still expedient for a hierarchical setup. A rich feudal landowner might kill a serf and if the family agrees he can buy them off! It’s better than nothing when you’re poor and breadwinner is dead. Where I come from it’s practiced, rare though it might be. It’s a choice Sharia conveniently gives a believer, though in my opinion much of sharia is an accretion of conveniences facilitating ruler of the day. Or ruling elite. In Pakistan where money can buy anything, and law is an amalgam of civil and shariah, it’s invoked inevitably by the rich.