Farida, get your gun!
Should I promptly deliver numerous blasts through the door every time Boy Scouts come knocking, or Girl Scouts, mostly white, selling cookies, or high schoolers raising money for their band or Latter Day Saints black-suited guys, or firemen looking for a donation, or mountain men selling firewood or a neighbor being a Good Samaritan delivering mail that was misdeliverd?
Every day delivers shocker upon shocker.
Ah I love America! But it’s time to leave. I see more sanity in the developing country I came from 40 years ago.
Incidentally, here I sit, back home on vacation, sipping a cappuccino in a roadside cafe, surrounded by beggars, street vendors and noisy people, quarreling teenagers, rich ladies haggling over a few cents with impoverish fruit sellers, honking of cars, polluted air, flies and smells of kebabs sizzling away, watching interactions of poor and rich alike.
The good life, man. As humanity should be.