Enjoyed your tirade, eh Des?
Who is the ‘other’ Haque? Too many Haques floating around!
I wish I had some answers for you, seems like you’re having a hard time wrapping your head around global happenings. I get it.
So far, in my opinion india is clearly Democratic. Which is admirable. I just wish Muslim bashing, violence and hate would abate. Clearly Modi has fumbled, letting bigotry out of the closet.
Raising kids… mine grew up in usa but flew the coop! They’re all over the world, they don’t want to live in USA. We have been ‘othered.’
My priority in raising kids would be their safety, first and foremost. In places like india and Pakistan, everything is pretty much a class issue. For the rich, life is wonderful. For our poor masses, it’s horrendous and no one seems to care. For that matter, poverty everywhere seals your fate. We are all accidents of birth. Don’t you agree eh, Des?
Be safe. 🙏🏽🙏🏽