Creature of the Epiglottis
~I must spit it out~
I can no longer be poet of pretty-pretty
Of ebony lovers
Anemone breasts
Sinew and toil
Porcelain, cinnabar and gilt.
Shadows cast by purpled indigo
Lust, frescoes and Egyptian herons
Solitude that is a luxury
Red mesas porphyry obelisks
Saffron dust raised by a sunset
The moon, my moon beloved moon!
It’s not that I want to forget myself.
On the contrary —
Creature of the epiglottis,
I spit you out!
Terror murder hate and guns
Outrage despair, mosques synagogues
Holy water on bloodied limbs
Crosses crescents and prayer rugs —
All drowned in blackest of black.
That is what I reclaim today,
The other god I so easily forgot,
Lord of mad that masquerades as muse.
Farida Haque