Another piercing piece from you Umair!
Having lived in American society which pretty much always perceived me as the ‘other’ I’ve accepted that American mindset reaches back to pilgrim days, as you so wisely point out.
The supremacist white gene sees the brown in me. It sees ‘slave’ in black. Sounds offensive, I know, but kid gloves are off!
And as for me, centuries of conditioning under colonists have left a legacy of a knee jerk reaction— white as masters, me self-effaced brown.
It’s a battle that rages in me at checkout counters to give one example. How can a white blonde blue eyed woman work for minimum wage?? The gene sees white as master. Ridiculous I know, but there it is. A black panhandler seems natural to my eye. A white one?? Sets me wondering, they’re not supposed to be shivering at street corners. Awful.
I’m too old to posture!
We are all complex humans. I choose to accept myself, warts and all. This perhaps has very little connection to Umair’s article but it triggered some thoughts in my head.
Apologies for any politically incorrect gaffes.