…. And pools of blood on American streets where Black Americans are gunned down mercilessly for simply looking underdressed or sauntering along timidly lest a white supremacist cop spot them. Just an aside.
Back in the 80s when I was a rookie suburban Washingtonian, I’d melt with pride every time I saw a cop. I’d tell them how grateful I was to have protectors like them. It was a kind of love affair with the uniform and blissful ignorance. It ended soon enough. But as is the case with every organization, the police force has those with a moral compass. And thank goodness for them.
I watched in horror as a young white policeman brutally had the life crushed out of him at the Capitol frenzy. By insane white supremacists.
I still melt with gratitude and pride when I see firemen and first responders. And policemen helping little old ladies like me across the street.